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APEC-Australia Women in Research
Fellowship 2023
Dr Phi Le Nguyen
Phi Le Nguyen.jpg

Home Economy: Viet Nam


Host Institution: University of Technology Sydney


Project Title: Developing a machine learning model for decentralized sewer mining schemes



Project Outline: I will develop a machine learning model for decentralized sewer mining schemes. The model will allow for predictive maintenance, performance optimization, and improved asset utilization. Using data from the Darling Quarter and Sydney Olympic Park plants, I will evaluate and select the most suitable machine learning approach for model development. The full range machine learning approaches from basic to highly sophisticated will be evaluated. A machine learning model will then be developed to establish the relationship between product water quality and key system components including maintenance schedule, operation scheduling, seasonal and diurnal variation in feed water parameters. The model will allow for optimal operational settings, system optimization, and prediction of future maintenance requirement. Once validated, my machine learning model can be adapted to other sewer mining plants to improve performance and reduce operation and maintenance cost. This research will also accelerate the transfer of sewer mining to Vietnam, especially in existing urban areas currently without wastewater treatment. Scientific results from this project will be published as a Q1 journal paper and presented at an international conference.


Reasons for applying for fellowship: This fellowship will help me to carry out important research with substantial social impacts, contributing to solving the wastewater treatment problem in Vietnam. Besides, with the support of this fellowship, we can carry out research that we are unable to undertake in Vietnam and bring it back to apply in Vietnam. The fellowship also helps me to contact world-class scholars, opening up collaboration opportunities between Australia and Vietnam and promoting cooperation between the two sides.


Past Achievements:


  • My Ph.D. thesis work has resulted in in 01 journal and 12 conference publications. The National Institute of Informatics (NII), Japan has awarded me with the Best Student Award in 2018.

  • I have published 80 research articles in academic journals and conferences. My work is published in many top-tier journals such as the JNCA, Computer Networks, IEEE TNSM, ACM TIS. I have also presented my work at prestigious conferences such as CCGrid, ICPP, Globecom. Notably, my work was nominated for the Best Paper award at CCGrid 2023, a top conference in the field.

  • I am currently the managing director of the international research center for Artificial Intelligence of Hanoi University of Science and Technology, and the leader of a research group with more than 30 talented students.

  • My research focuses on applying AI to solve critical problems in Vietnam, including environment and healthcare. So far, I am the PI of 03 projects with a total money of 321,000 USD, and a key member of two other projects with a total money of 295,000 USD.



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