
Photo Courtesy of the APEC Secretariat, www.apec.org
Executive Training

Photo Courtesy of the APEC Secretariat, www.apec.org
Executive Training
Strengthening regional economic integration and prosperity across Asia and the Pacific is the Centre’s driving purpose.
We have an enviable record in designing and delivering tailored training programs and capacity building programs for government,
business, not-for-profits and academic institutions.
Strengthening regional economic integration and prosperity across Asia and the Pacific is the Centre’s driving purpose.
We have an enviable record in designing and delivering tailored training programs and capacity building programs for government,
business, not-for-profits and academic institutions.

Photo Courtesy of the APEC Secretariat, www.apec.org
Executive Training
Strengthening regional economic integration and prosperity across Asia and the Pacific is the Centre’s driving purpose.
We have an enviable record in designing and delivering tailored training programs and capacity building programs for government,
business, not-for-profits and academic institutions.

PECC Signature Project on a Free Trade Area of the Asia Pacific (the PECC FTAAP Project)
AusPECC is leading a PECC Signature Project on the Free Trade Area of the Asia Pacific (the PECC FTAAP Project). The PECC FTAAP Project is about giving more substance to the notion of an FTAAP. It is an opportunity to engage APEC economies, businesses and academics to develop a longer-term vision for trade and economic collaboration in the region.
The goal is to support greater cooperation on trade and other economic issues, to build deeper understanding of the key drivers of future economic growth and welfare, and to help APEC chart a stronger, collective path to capture more fully the benefits of regional economic integration. See the concept note on the Project here.
The project is guided by a high-level task force, chaired by the Hon. Dr Craig Emerson. The taskforce includes PECC representatives from Australian (AusPECC), Canada (CANCPEC), Chile (ChilPECC), New Zealand (NZPECC) and Thailand. Representatives from other PECC economies are welcome to join. The Project Taskforce meets on an ad hoc basis to discuss project progress, guide outcomes and develop ideas.
See here for summaries of Taskforce meetings:
Policy papers
The initial phase of the Project focused on three topics - Trade and Climate Change, Professional Services and Mutual Recognition, and Services and Good Regulatory Practice. Further topics will be explored as part of the next phase.
Policy briefs on each topic explore potential outcomes to inform an eventual FTAAP over the longer term. The briefs aim to help drive practical outcomes and serve as a conversation starter about why openness, collaboration, and integration delivers benefits to the region.
See below for discussion papers outlining the scope of work.
Discussion paper on Trade and Climate Change | Presentation slides
Discussion paper on Services and Good Regulatory Practice | Presentation slides
Several dialogues and meetings have been held under the project, bringing together policy makers, business and the academic community across PECC and APEC to discuss the project work and share perspectives on some of the key questions the Project seeks to address.
Virtual Dialogue on “FTAAP - Charting a Pathway for Trade in a Turbulent Time.” May 2023. See the Dialogue agenda, a Background Note on the Dialogue and the summary of the outcomes of the Dialogue. Watch a recording of the Dialogue.
In an Informal meeting on the project, held in Seattle USA on the margins of the APEC Senior Officials Meeting, with the assistance of NCAPEC, August 2023. See the Meeting agenda , a summary of the outcomes of the meeting and watch a recording of the Meeting.
Informal online dialogue on the project, July 2024. See the Meeting agenda, a summary of the discussion and watch a recording of the Meeting .
AusPECC welcomes input and interest in the project from the APEC Community. Please contact us at info@auspecc.org.au for further information.
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